How can DPC direct primary care help employers ?

Direct Primary Care can
lower the costs of your health insurance.
Primary care is comprehensive and operating as it should, can address up to 90% of a patient’s healthcare needs.
DPC practices can diminish dependence on more expensive parts of the health care system, such as surgeries, specialist care, urgent care, emergency rooms, advanced imaging and hospitals
Health insurance and government involvement in primary care adds an enormous burden of cost and time. When that burden is removed, the savings are dramatic.

No strings attached !
Direct Primary Care's cost is a low fixed expense paid each month.
It is unheard of to be able to know what your costs will be for a menu of primary care services.
Don't like Direct Primary Care then send us a note saying that you are cancelling your membership and do not pay us for the next month.
That's it!
Direct Primary Care's cost also includes workman compensation.
It is important that the employee properly seek medical attention when and as needed.
With Direct Primary Care your employee would have no reason not to seek immediate medical care.
Not only will this protect the injured worker's health but it will also establish a medical record of the work injury and establish a record if there is a dispute concerning the need for care and treatment and help in identifying whether the injured worker should be paid for lost time.

Is direct primary care, in general, legal under the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) ?
The answer…… yes. Section 10104 of P.L. 111-148 (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) states “The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall permit a qualified health plan to provide coverage through a qualified direct primary care medical home plan that meets criteria established by the Secretary, so long as the qualified health plan meets all requirements that are other- wise applicable and the services covered by the medical home plan are coordinated with the entity offering the qualified health plan.”
H.R. 3590 recognizes DPC and allows DPC Medical Homes to offer coverage in health insurance exchanges in combination with a wraparound insurance policy provided by a qualified health plan (QHP). Working together, the two must satisfy all other essential health benefits requirements under H.R.3590. DPC practices provide all primary care in a monthly fee arrangement. The QHP is used for hospitalization, specialty care and other more costly services. The first DPC offering paired with a QHP in the healthcare marketplace went live in the Washington state exchange in January 2015.
DPC enables businesses to offer ACA-compliant health benefits that employees love at a fraction of current costs.
HHS proposed rules on affordable health care exchanges on July 15, 2011, which clearly state that: “direct primary care medical homes are not insurance.” The exchange rules (CMS–9989–F) became final without modification on March 12, 2012. Section B, Part 156 (g) §156.245 on the treatment of direct primary care medical homes should clear the way for state insurance regulators to recognize DPC medical homes as a benefit that can be offered within the exchange but is not subject to risk or capitalization requirements of insurers or HMOs. This is an important distinction.